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Monday, March 25, 2013
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Fuel For Your Shimmy
Why hello my sparkly, shinny people :) This weeks DANCE, DANCE, DANCE (really just had a flashback of Dance Party USA) is all about the shimmy! You think there is nothing to it and you just shake your body - well think again. Today I'm going to share with you some pretty awesome moves to get your blood flowing and unleash your inner sassy pants and some of the music you should check out to keep that motor running.
Grab your coin belt and get ready to make some noise!!!!
*Medical Disclaimer - please do not perform any shimmies if you are pregnant*
When perform your shimmies make sure you warm-up (get those hip flexors) and get into that dance posture (if you need a reminder click dance posture)
What is a Shimmy? Well this is what the Oxford English Dictionary says:
shim·my (shm)
n. pl. shim·mies
1. Abnormal vibration or wobbling, as of the wheels of an automobile.
2. A dance popular in the 1920s, characterized by rapid shaking of the body.
3. A chemise.
intr.v. shim·mied, shim·my·ing, shim·mies
1. To vibrate or wobble abnormally.
2. To shake the body in or as if in dancing the shimmy.
With that being said do we have a visual of what you are about to be doing? And no you are not suppose to look like you are going into convulsions LOL
There are several types of shimmies and even more variations of them depending on accenting, speed, which body part is feeding the movement and planes (more on that later - I promise)
Egyptian Shimmy
Movement is created by pumping your knees back and forth slightly. To understand this movement sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you and pump your knees. Now lie on your back and repeat the seated movement. Now that you have the muscle memory take it standing.
Turkish/Choo Choo Shimmy
This is a traveling shimmy, get used to your feet first so stand on your tippy toes (really the balls of your feet) and step to the right and the left with your feet close together (small movement, small steps) think about looking like you are gliding across the floor and that effect becomes broken if you are taking large steps. Now the hips are going to be a small movement as well, you are going to simply move your hips up and down.
Moroccan Shimmy/ 3/4 Shimmy
Here is another traveling shimmy so that means we have a foot pattern - ball/ball/flat. So again practice your feet first. Example: Right foot up on ball, right foot up on ball, right foot down flat. When the foot is flat is when you are going to change your weight to the left and repeat. The hips are going to be moving in a "L" shape: Up/Down/Out/In (if you need a refresher on hip lifts, drops, thrusts) Let's put it all together now: Starting on the right: Right foot on ball with right hip up, right foot on ball with right hip down, right foot flat with right hip out, right foot flat with right hip in and repeat on left. The key with this shimmy is to start out slow get that muscle memory going then start speeding it up. Ok real life story here for you about this shimmy. This shimmy gave me the worst trouble when I was learning it so I decided to do it every time I was walking. Oh yes - I was pumping gas, grocery shopping, and cleaning my house while doing this bad boy!
Tunisian/Twist/Washing Machine Shimmy
This one is a fun accent when done in combination with other moves and also used when traveling. You are going to start with your knees slightly bent and simply twist your hips (hips moving front and back) and then, again, once you have that muscle memory speed it up.
These are the shimmies I want you guys to work with first cause there are many more to come on shimmies :)
The Shimmy Playlist that will get you and keep you going!!!!
Psycho Dancer off of Arabian Spices
Hakim - Narsa
Nari Narain
Boom Boom
Nagua - Tabla
Farid Al Atrash - Hossam
Samya - Ramzy
Big Butts - Sir Mix-A-Lot (LOTS OF SHIMMIES HERE)
Habibi - Boomtang
Ahlam 2 - Oreiental Delight
IndiArab - Turbo Tabla
Al Urdun Remix - guy Monoukian
Istanbul - REG Project
Mafina - Katia Harb
Telegrafin Telleri - Turbo Tabla
Daret Al Ayam - Electric Oasis
Babylon to Beirut - Beirut Biloma
HAPPY SHIMMIES and have a great weekend and see you next week :)
Belly dance,
Sir Mix-A-Lot
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Oh That Lucky Clover
With is being a few days away from the BEST HOLIDAY EVER (St. Patrick's Day), I decided to do a little shout out to the clover. And I think I found out why the clover is so darn lucky................it regulates women hormones LOL Its not that the clover is lucky it is that people are lucky when a woman is supplementing with clover!!
Gentlemen, take note - there is a tea, lemonade, and body wrap recipe at the bottom (wink, wink)
Like always, I'm going to go over the benefits to get you thinking how you can add this gem into your life.
Ok now for the down and dirty, the clover is jam packed with: Calcium, Lecithin, Chromium, Magnesium, Potassium, Silicium, Vitamins A, E, C, B2 and B3. So what this means is those crazy Irish have strong backs, great night vision, health digestion, heal quickly, and great skin, hair and nails! man those Irish stick it to the rest of the world again and no one knows it LOL
JOKE BREAK - Why did God create alcohol? To keep the Irish from ruling the WORLD! just sayin :)
And now back to the regular program.
This good luck charm is often used as a detoxify of the lymphatic system (how our body gets rid of toxins), lungs, liver, kidneys and blood.
The lady issues it aides with all pertain to that great change of life (the sooner you start the less others with hate you) it reduces ganglionary inflammation which is the evil mastermind behind menopause and pre-menopause, hot flashes, depression, palpitations. But on an up note it helps to relax the muscles down stairs so no tense sex there!
I used to to be good about drinking my clover tea and after telling you guys about why its good for our sanity (ladies you get it) I should really start drinking it again!
How do we add it you ask, well let me give you a few ways to play with it.
Clover Tea Recipe (www.food.com)
Ingredients: 1 cup red clover blossoms
2 Tbsp mint
4 cups water
honey to sweeten
1. When working with the blossom make sure that there are no bugs (you don't want the extra
protein this time)
2. Bring the water to boil.
3. Remove from heat.
4. Add blossoms and mint
5. Steep for about 10 mins
Red Clover Lemonade (www.adventuressheart.com)
Ingredients: 3 cups red clover blossoms
4 cups water
1 1/4 cup lemon juice
4 Tbsp honey
1. Boil blossoms and water for 5-7 mins
2. Strain and add lemon and honey
3. Stir and chill for 2 hours before serving
Detox Body Wrap (from my collection)
Ingredients: 5 tea bags of red clover
5 tea bags of marjoram
5 tea bags of dandelion root
Ace bandages (enough to wrap your body or the body part you are working with)
Crock-pot or sauce pan
*why tea bags - they are quick and easy to use*
1. You are going to want to heat water but careful you will burn yourself if too hot!!!!! You
want a temp of about 140 degrees
2. When water is warm enough steep your bags and let the bandages simmer for about a half
hour (which is why I like to use the crock-pot: on low for 30 mins)
3. Now this is going to be messy (you have been warned), wrap the soaked ace bandages
around your legs, arms, midsection
4. Last step is to wrap a blanket around you and relax for an hour
Monday, March 11, 2013
Meditation Monday - All About Visualization
Happy Monday you lovely people :) Sorry about last week, I ended up getting a nasty little stomach bug that pretty much took me out. But YAY, I'm back!
So it is Meditation Monday and that means another little technique to use. Today we are going to look at visualization and the chakras. As a Reiki Master, I work with the chakras all the time. I actually clear mine in the morning and the evening. The evening clearing dumps all the energy that was absorbed during the day and the morning clearing is to get rid of the energy from dreams. It is a really good habit to get into, the clearer your chakras the easier it becomes to process everyday happenings.
Here is a little reference for the chakras:
Root Chakra
It is located at the base of your spine (tailbone), I always remember this one by thinking if we could plant roots this is where they would come from LOL. The color is red and it represents our foundation, everything that we need to survive.
Sacral Chakra
It is located about 2 inches below our naval (for those that know your anatomy, where our reproductive organs are). The color is orange and is all about our pleasure and sexuality. Makes sense :)
Solor Plexus Charkra
Also called the naval Chakra because of its location, right above the naval. The color is yellow and represents our will. So anything that deals with self" self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem/
Heart Chakra
My favorite ball of energy to work with (for those of you that know me), location is in the middle of the chest right above our heart. The color is green and it aids us with our compassion, inner peace, harmonious relationships (not just love relationship's but all relationships)
Throat Chakra
Located right there in the throat. The color is light blue and deals with all of our communications both with ourselves and with others. True story: I needed to tell my mom something when I was younger and it was very important and I ended up getting sick and loosing my voice.
Third Eye Chakra
located right smack in the middle of your eyes, color is blue and it keeps you on your path. Gives you the ability to see the "Big Picture", follow your intuition, wisdom to make decisions. The most publicized chakra for sure!!!
Crown Chakra
This powerhouse is located at the very top of your head and is represented by the color purple and connects us with our spirituality, pure bliss, our connection with others (world)
Now here is your meditation. Its as easy one I used when I first started down the path. I needed all the easy ones I could get since I was very much - oh nice , peace, clearing, SQUIRREL!!!!!!!! not the best road to take for clearing LOL
You are going to work with each of your chakras. You are going to run through each chakra and perform a visualization. Picture a lotus flower blooming in each.
Root: visualize the lotus blooming in the color of the chakra: red lotus
Now just move up the body :) When the lotus blooms you are cleared.
Enjoy your peace and be mindful of your practice! And again enjoy your path!!
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Spirit Friday (Saturday) - Why Do You Dance?
So the question for the morning is - Why Do You Dance? This question was actually asked to me last weekend at a workshop and the answers started to flow at a very high rate! Now this isn't just geared to belly dance (this is the style that I love, practice, and perform) The root of this post is just the simple question of Why?
I started dancing because I was done with being a spectator with this story telling style. You see I grew up with an appreciation with the arts. When I was younger I was always putting on little plays and acting like I was on some kind of dance show LOL but alas I was a military brat so we were always moving every few years so the dance team or the dance studio was never a thought,( I always knew I was going to move soon so why bother, right..........wrong) I should have made my mom put me into this classes. Then I decided to go into the military and was lucky enough to go to the Middle East where Belly dance was a way for the ladies to bond together in a sisterhood and be themselves!! You see it really did give me a self-esteem boost because the ladies that were dancing in the dinner shows were FLUFFY!!!!! Oh yes, up there with a little fuel for their shimmy and it was wonderful. I still didn't find classes at this point because I was still moving around a lot. Fast forward years later and a time in my life when it was finally 'all about me" and I said the hell with it, I'M DOING IT!!
Researched some of the local instructors and found one that worked with my busy schedule and haven't looked back since. I was bitten by the dance bug write away. My costumes only take up a few drawers but I am always building it LOL I have been able to meet some pretty amazing women that accept you at whatever level you are, it's kinda like the can smell the desire to dance on you. (ok that kinda sounded gross but it is what it is like) They become your dance sisters or what I like to call the ladies - Shimmy Sisters :) And trust me they aren't just around for dance class, one of my Shimmy Sister continues to push me ti achieve. She actually is the one that had to PUSH me (and I mean PUSH cause I was fighting her) to start teaching. So now I am passing it forward to hopefully help my fellow sisters find their light.
With all that said, here is the answer to question. I dance because it is mine. It is 3-5 mins of going inside of me and see what happens. It is a stepping stone to boost my self-esteem. It is my fountain of youth. It is my love. It is my passion. It is my self expression. Simply said - IT IS ME!!
Ask yourself the question :) And just see what comes to mind when you actually think about.
Enjoy and see you next week, Have a great weekend (we are skipping town and I will have the country to think about some ideas for the next show :)
Happy Shimmies xx
Belly dance,
Middle East,
Friday, March 1, 2013
The Fountain Of Youth
So the Body Wednesday post is a little late this week because we have been running around getting things for our new baby boy.....Krieger (who new a snake would need so much LOL)
OK now that you met our little one, here is the secret to look ten years younger. And I mean it!! I am a massage therapist and was taught this 7 years ago and its WONDERFUL!!!!! I have been doing it and people ALWAYS think i am younger then I am. So, drum roll please, the secret (which by the way is also good for you if you suffer from sinus issues)
Step 1 - get your face :)
Step 2 - this technique moves your lymphatic fluid so you are only going to use the pressure of the weight of a nickel (now go and get a nickel and put it on your arm so you know what the pressure is you will be using)
Step 3 - now with both your right and left hands you are going to clear the reservoir which is located just below your collar bone, use a motion that is going towards the center of your body, perform this motion 3 times
Step 4 - now with your left hand in a vertical position up the right side of your neck and your right hand up the left side you are going to create a motion that is moving upward (circle), repeat motion 3 times
Step 5 - now right hand lined up along the right side of your jaw and the left hand lined up along the left side of your jaw you are going to move fingertips along jaw towards your ears (circle), again repeat 3 times
Step 6 - now find the spot where your jaw hinges, again right fingers on right side and left fingers on left side, move finger tips in a circle for 3 times
Step 7 - go the the corner of your lips next, again right on right and left on left, move tips in a circle 3 times
Ok your almost done :) Not to hard to look younger
Step 8 - put your finger tips along the top of your nose (in between your lip and your nose) no this motion is different because you are going to be moving straight outward for 3 times
Step 9 - ok putting just one finger tip to work next, again right on right and left on left, right along the outside of your nostrils is where you are going to make your circle 3 times
Step 10 - move to the middle your nose, right on right and left on left (on either side of nose), move out towards your ear 3 times
Step 11 - now in between your eyes, right on right and left on left (either side of the bridge of the nose) 3 little circles
Step 12 - now you are going to separate your eyebrows with two fingers (right on right and left on left), the motion is actually broken down into three different spots (beginning of eyebrow, center of eyebrow, and end of eyebrow) and each of those locations gets 3 little straight lines going towards the ears
Step 13 - almost done - hang in there, next line your fingers along your forehead and make a straight motion outward towards your ears 3 times
Step 14 - YAY, last step!!!! last thing you do is repeat Step 1, always make sure that you clear your reservoir!
Ok so you now how I said you were all done, well I kinda lied because now you have to repeat all the step 3 times :)
Yes the power of 3 keeps you looking YOUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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